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Sunday, February 24, 2013

NIGERIA - BRIAN BROWNE - G20 Moscow Russia: Financial speculation feeding food and job crises

Whosoever steals from the poor is like the mad swine intent on devouring those who labour to feed it

This past week, finance ministers and central bankers of the G20 nations met. Joining them were the Managing Director of the IMF and her World Bank counterpart. Lurking ever in the interstices were the emissaries of the global financial houses. These private concerns influence governments to the extent that no policy is made without their input. No policy is implemented which they genuinely oppose. Even more than before the 2008 Great Recession, these private forces retain the impregnable status of a government outside and beyond government. This impregnability harvests a sense of arrogant entitlement leading the financial houses to think everything must be done so that their profits always maximize or not be done at all. This might not be the best nature of things but it is the present order of them. The finance ministers gathered not to correct the global economy; they gathered to pet the interests of Money Power.

The final communiqué was as shallow and meretricious as a prostitute’s embrace. The group proclaimed member nations must eschew competitive devaluation of their currencies. Devaluating one’s currency, through either enhanced deficit spending, loose monetary policy or both, stimulates an economy’s export sectors. However, when many nations devalue at once, a currency war looms as each nation later attempts to outdo the others by enacting even steeper devaluations to gain the export advantage. This is a cynical way to promote jobs and exports by literally pilfering them from those nations whose currencies remain static.

Marginal tinkering with a currency’s value is tolerable to the financial class. Because they have inside information or some inkling of movement, the financial houses make windfalls from transferring liquid assets from one currency into another. However, too much downward movement in the value of too many currencies makes hash of this managed game, causing both financial uncertainty and significant economic dislocation in the process. In truth, prolonged currency warfare is a race to nowhere. Thus, on a superficial level, the statement against currency wars was condign. Sadly, the other actions and inactions of the ministers reveal that their cardinal purpose was not strengthening the real economy where the majority of people live. Their great obsession was to assuage the clannish financial markets. Whatever solace given the rest of the economy was collateral and incidentally done.

Concerning the flaccidity of their overall economies, the ministers acted with the disorientated perspective of penguins confined to a dark, narrow closet, all making unintelligent noises while ceaselessly bumping into each other. If justice prevailed in this world, these ministers would be sued for malpractice; successful defenses would not avail them. Brandishing the crooked wand of austerity, they have transmogrified sickly economies into shrinking ones.

In the final quarter of last year, the entire Eurozone contracted by 0.6 percent, a fall much steeper than mainstream economists predicted for some had predicted growth. Orthodox minds thought Germany, the continent’s largest economy, inoculated from the infirmity afflicting the Mediterranean nations. Yet, the Teutonic dynamo was felled by a bout of economic measles. Germany’s export-driven economy contracted like an overstretched rubber band because its southern neighbors have become too ravaged to buy German goods in quantities that would sustain German production levels. Confronted by the dire and obvious logic of this economic contagion, the Germans still appear incapable of grasping the deeper lesson of this morality play. The rich man who impoverishes those upon whom his commerce and wealth are based depletes his wealth to the degree his avarice undermines the welfare of others.

Going around the globe, America contracted during the same period. Japan contacted so severely that its government quickly embarked on a loose money policy and a concomitant spending spree in financial markets in the vain hope of escaping its third recession in less than ten years. Britain’s bullheaded insistence on austerity produced a second recession in three years. Meanwhile, Greece has descended so headlong down the gutter that it is a nation on perpetual strike and nearing riotous strife. Millions would migrate but the sapping economic conditions deprive them of the funds to do so. In Spain, when two youths meet, they are sure at least one is unemployed. Italy is so much wracked that serially discredited Silvio Berlusconi might once more elected Prime Minister.

Despite their withering economies, the finance ministers were unable to come to grips with the malevolent evidence of results of their beloved austerity. During the Great Recession, they touted austerity would spur private sector growth. What austerity has done is abet the financial sector’s dominance of the overall economy by further weakening the productive sector, making the latter vulnerable for the speculative plucking. After years of intense such plucking, the bird has no more feathers. The experiment has gone terrible awry. Austerity has produced the “Son of the Great Recession.” So steeped in foul craft of orthodox economics, the finance ministers could not bring themselves to understand the economic carnage that lay all about was not an inevitable thing; it was a matter of their own doing. Their economics, their beloved pseudo-science, has proven to be nothing more than a graven idol that blasphemes reality rather than explains it. These arrogant men in their arrogant fashion believed they could tell reality how to behave. Upon the shining altar of their false deity, tens of millions have suffered; too many lives have been lost in futile sacrifice to their dumb, uncaring god.

Instead of admitting the failure of austerity, these ministers proclaimed austerity has served its purpose because growth waits on the horizon. Yet, isn’t this what they said last year and the year before it? Misery has appeared in legion manifestations but economic growth remains a rather bashful thing adverse to human companionship. There is a rather peculiar attribute about horizons. The closer you move toward them, the more they seem to move away. The horizon never gets closer; it is too well mannered to become intimate and thus keeps ample distance. Thus, people do want economic growth to be on the horizon. They want it in their hands.

The ministerial participants maundered that austerity should be attenuated for the time being. This was like a team of assassins appearing at their victim’s burial and the lead killer surmising that they should lessen their attacks on the decedent given that he is six feet underground. However, the ministers simply could not break completely break from this belief to which they are so emotionally attached despite its obvious inhumanity. While talking down austerity, they parroted terms like “fiscal discipline” which is austerity with a less odious moniker. It is a sign of our desolate times that the IMF Managing Director was the meeting’s leading proponent for employment creation and economic growth via fiscal stimuli. However, few ministers listened seriously to her. The leadership of these nations has so imbibed hyper-capitalist doctrines, i.e. financialism, that each government has become a draconian IMF unto itself and its people. Never in the history of mankind have the world’s most affluent nations heaved so much unnecessary pain on their people in peacetime for the most unwarranted reason: the stubborn adherence to mean policies ruinous of the many, profitable to only the chosen few.

Consequently, the ministers did not adopt fiscal stimuli as the path for their nations to emerge from the obvious downturn. Empirically, fiscal stimulus or deficit spending is the most effective measure in the current environment. This assumes helping the working and middle classes is the objective. If the aim is to secure the financial elite, then fiscal activism is not the preferred cup into which your tea is poured. Instead, you would do as the financial ministers and central bankers have done. They have engaged in lax monetary policy by embarking on large scale purchases of financial assets. In exchange for these assets, the central banks place new money in the hands of the former asset holders. Theoretically, they will use the money to buy things or invest in additional financial assets, thus increasing asset prices and spurring economic growth. While the public may be duly hoodwinked, those in the know also know this mechanism works differently than advertised.

Speculators hold many of the assets purchased by the central authorities. Giving additional money to speculators is like handing cocaine to an addict. He will not invest for the wise or the long-term. He will search for the next speculative high. Money will not trickle into the real economy. It will circulate in the financial sector. Like a rapid dog, it will bound from one end to another, chasing the highest return possible. As a result, the balance of funds in the financial sector as compared to the productive sector will worsen. The financial sector will be flush with money, the real sector starved of it. The planners will increase asset prices; the victory will prove hollow, if not pyrrhic, because it is based on an inversion of cause and effect. Economic growth inevitably produces price inflation. However, the engineers of lax monetary policies assume the reverse is equally true: that price inflation produces economic growth. It is not. As an orange tree grows its branches come to bear fruit. This is a farmer’s dream. However, it is the height of folly for a man to walk into the grove to hold up an orange at branch height, expecting a tree to miraculously grow, attaching itself to the object in outstretched hand. He will soon tire from the exertion or caring relatives will escort the man to the nearest institution that cares for people with his type of affliction.

So is it with policy that targets asset prices. Because the money does little but chase its own scent within the confines of the financial sector, financial asset prices indeed rise. Yet, economic fundamentals remain mired, heavily burdened. Financial speculators gain windfalls. However, employment and wages stagnate. Consequently, we see soaring stock markets in many nations while their overall economies wade the brackish water.

The stock and financial markets have delinked from the overall economy. Stock and financial markets are no longer the bellwethers for the rest of the economy. These markets are no more reliable indicators of the health of an economy than is the casting of lots. Financial assets and stock prices climb when investors instigate firms to cut costs by reducing their work forces. This provides transient benefit to speculators but penalizes the real economy and the labor force which depends on it. Lax monetary policies rewards the financial class and its allies while slowly amercing the great wash of people in these nations.

In the end, the policy mixture employed by the developed nations ensures bloated hyperactive financial sectors on the verge of producing new speculative bubbles and weak productive sectors on the verge of constriction and collapse.

Worst, these errant policies hurt the developing world. As previously stated, financial speculators obsess for the next high. Prior to the 2008 recession, they believed real estate was the guaranteed high. They plowed funds into real estate only to see that market and their nominal worth sink into the quicksand. Since then, they have searched from hill to valley for the next “sure” bet. Many believe they have found it: food. Real estate was viewed as certain because people need a physical location to live and work. Demand exists as long as people exist. With food, the demand is more compelling. Everyone might not own land but all must eat. Fed easy money through the lax monetary policies of the developed nations, speculators are becoming increasingly active speculating in agricultural commodities. The presence of these financial middleman increases the price of food. For them to retrieve the profits they seek, while farmers and others in the chain of production retain their profit levels, necessarily means prices must increase.

For poor and struggling Africans, this is the kiss of hunger blown from afar by esoteric financial dynamics about which they know little and understand less. What they will come to know is the difficulty of contending with rising food prices that eat at their static incomes. The people will pinch here and scrape there. Meager meals will become smaller. Plates and bowls will appear bigger to children because there will be less food on them. Hunger will bite its stinging bite. The weak and sickly will become more so. More will die while the speculators sip the delectable nectar of their profits. This is just the beginning. As financial speculators gain more control of agricultural markets, they will dictate the quantities and types of crops cultivated. Those with the highest profit margins will be encouraged. Those with lower yields will be ignored. Lamentably, the interests of the financialists will not always coincide with those of the people. Moreover, there already is a move afoot whereby massive international agricultural concerns acquire large tracts of arable African land, in the process displacing peoples from their ancient homesteads. These firms, now abetted by speculative investors, will not be geared toward commodities for the local African market. The African consumer does not possess the money these companies seek. These concerns will produce for abroad. More and more African land will be used to feed and furnish others while displaced African will be left to taste of the compound bitterness of being displaced yet having no alternative location to farm for their livelihoods.

Financialism continues to dominate the global political economy despite the vast damage it has brought so recently. Developed nations abhor the only practical remedy — fiscal stimuli through deficit spending – that would enliven the broadest base of their economies. Instead, these governments cosset the financial sector and leave orphan the productive economy. The lax monetary policies of the developed nation constitute a nearly perfect storm of financialist malevolence against the humble masses in both developed and developing worlds.

In the developed world, these policies stifle fuller employment while exacerbating the inequitable power balance between the financial sector and the productive one. In the developing world, the policies have placed international speculators in a position where they can unduly influence food prices to the detriment of the billions already living at the edge of poverty and malnourishment. The speculators will push tens of millions into the grip of starvation in the coming years.

Once they have done their handiwork with food, water supplies may be next. More and more, it seems the financialist elite so lacks humanity that it sees the quickest route to poverty eradication is to do away with poor people.