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Thursday, April 16, 2009

ECB has sold 35.5 tons of gold - programme completed on March 31st, 2009 - EUROPEAN Central Banks [ United States did never sell ] waste GOLD for to b

QUOTE German
Die EZB, die nationalen Notenbanken der Eurozone sowie der Schweiz und von Schweden hatten 2004 in einem Goldabkommen festgelegt, über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren jedes Jahr zusammen nur maximal 500 Tonnen Gold zu verkaufen. Bis Ende September 2009 dürfen demnach insgesamt 2.500 Tonnen Gold verkauft werden.

Das erste Goldabkommen wurde 1999 geschlossen und sah Verkäufe von maximal 2000 Tonnen vor. Hintergrund waren damals unkoordinierte Goldverkäufe einiger Notenbanken und die daraus resultierenden negativen Auswirkungen auf den Goldpreis. Das zweite Goldabkommen folgte dann 2004.

QUOTE translated
European Central Bank, other European Zone Central Banks as well as Switzerland's and Sweden's defined in 2004's Gold treaty to jointly sell up to some 500 tons of Gold per year. Until the End of September 2009 therefore a total of 2'500 tons have been sold.
UNQUOTE translated

Author Thomas Ramseyer

16. April 2009
"Gold treaty" signed ? All Eurozone Central Banks including Switzerland and Sweden ? Where did they lose their common sense ? WHO the heck is BUYING ? Everybody consider buyers India or China! Are United States' strategic reserves being built up ?
"Security" against Gold ? Paper and Tiger against Gold ? Who finally is on the buy-side ? Such huge transactions usually only go off without a hitch when sellers as well as buyers are prepared ! They transact before and confirm upon completion !

Swiss Confederate Bond Futures were playd pinball with only after completion upon arrangement.

The Sale of Gold causes lower Central Bank Liquidity thus boosting interest rates. To offset this effect foreign exchange of the same volume is bought. The citizens are highly recommended to stop that evil habit by all means. 

Needless spillage of the only real value off the Central Banks' balance sheets
As an exemple Swiss National Bank's acitivity shows what Central Banks are doing. In fact these institutions spoil the wealth of their countries. There is no reason to do so. Neutralising liquidity ? Never ever !! The very lame excuse all over the world. Especially at times of crisis as today. It actually is a very simple task to correct the impact on money level 0, 1 to 3. The Central Bank buys foreign exchange to aggravate the monetary reserves thus supporting foreign countries' currencies. Also currency swaps as well as repo transactions are used to provide the market with cheap money. They do not only pull the wool over the people's eyes but iron plates. 

Creative bookkeeping also done by Central Banks (SNB) - the citizens are given the runaround
In the past Swiss people's wealth has suffered from huge opportunity losses. Because the sale of gold is not reflected in the statements of the population it is not possible for them to evaluate the real impact of such unnecessary transactions. To support the camouflage booking rules easily are altered. [Costprice all of a sudden exchanged for market price]

The worthless paper still is labelled "Gold"-Fund to mislead people. The expression Paperfunds would be more adequate. 

Sale of Gold useless, even careless, short sighted
There is absolutly no need to sell Gold. Liquidity can be neutralized in another easier way. I would rather reckon political pressure to be the real reason.  

Real wealth exchanged for paper
Sale of gold at the end of the day creates only worthless paper - the people's wealth being coldbloodedly waisted

1) Sale of Gold, drain of liquidity = enforcing the currency reserves, e.g. USD

2) Purchase of forex exchange thus creation of liquidity

3) Both drain of liquidity and creation of liquidity can be cancelled out being not needed.

Sale of Gold does not affect local liquidity
Thus the sale of Gold for foreign exchange does not affect the local liquidity. Only effect will be the vanishing of the gold (measured in kilo, never in CHF) from the balance sheet of the Swiss National Bank meaning the depreviation of the Swiss people.

It is not relevant what the price one kilo of gold is labelled. The same is valid for other real goods such as other metals, productive plants, stock but also privately used real estate. As long as everything is totally financed (no debt, no leverage) it is never impactet by the evil actions taken by the politicians supported by the central banks. The ignorant people - the majority of the politicians included - does not understand, it never will be asked, soothed by words and fairy tales; they suffer. 

Formula of wealth
ONE kilo of GOLD for ever stays ONE kilo of GOLD. A House will be a House for EVER. Productive means always be productdive means. Well educated employees stay well educated emploees. Local outstanding building systems keep their value if not provincialized. Flow of goods expressed in money are not really signigicant. They are valid only within a very short period of time. Finally we exchange labour force against real goods and nutricion. The money only serves as a value transporter. We do not care about how the goods are labelled. From time to time we just cancel some nils or we re-establish a new currency.

The comparison of the flow of goods with earlier years is not valid. Even indexed this cannot be camouflaged. They only are nice figures to talk about. Deflation takes place somewhere else. 

1) The sale of Gold being irrelevant to the local economy has to be stopped by all possible means.

2) Money is not to be used for savings (we got proof of this). Money is only used for shorttime transportation of the value.

3) Maintenance of the local education system as well as local skills and know-how has to be given attention. Europeans finally are French, German, Italian, British or others. When being summonned they will return to their countries of origin. They leave us alone. To take responsibility of our own, possible autarchy, gives us power. A potential independent country is taken more serious.

4) Politicians which do not recognise this or do not want to recognise are to be replaced

copyright Thomas Ramseyer

Thursday, April 9, 2009

EZB hat 35.5 Tonnen Gold verkauft - Programm abgeschlossen am 31.3.2009 - EUROPAEISCHEN Zentralbanken [ die USA verkaufen nicht ] verludern Gold gegen Papier

Die EZB, die nationalen Notenbanken der Eurozone sowie der Schweiz und von Schweden hatten 2004 in einem Goldabkommen festgelegt, über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren jedes Jahr zusammen nur maximal 500 Tonnen Gold zu verkaufen. Bis Ende September 2009 dürfen demnach insgesamt 2.500 Tonnen Gold verkauft werden.

Das erste Goldabkommen wurde 1999 geschlossen und sah Verkäufe von maximal 2000 Tonnen vor. Hintergrund waren damals unkoordinierte Goldverkäufe einiger Notenbanken und die daraus resultierenden negativen Auswirkungen auf den Goldpreis. Das zweite Goldabkommen folgte dann 2004.

Autor Thomas Ramseyer
9. April 2009
"Goldabkommen" abgeschlossen ? die nationalen Notenbanken der Eurozone ? die Schweiz und Schweden ? Wo ist die Besonnenheit geblieben ? WER KAUFT ? Jedermann denkt Indien oder China. Werden die strategisch wichtigen Reserven der USA ausgebaut ?

"Sicherheit gegen Gold ? Papier und Tiger gegen Gold ? Wer ist letztlich auf de Käuferseite ? Reibungslos gehen solche Transaktionen nur über die Bühne, wenn auch der Käufer von konzertiert verkauften Goldreserven vorgängig kontaktiert worden ist.

Beispiel Eidgenossenfutures, welche nach erfolgter telephonischer Uebereinkunft im Nachhinein elektronisch "durchgeflippert" werden.

Verkauf von Gold bewirkt eine Abschöpfung der vorhandenen Liquidität, was normalerweise Zins treibend wirkt - diese Aktivität wird mittels Austausch von lokalen Devisen gegen ausländische Devisen neutralisiert - die Bevölkerungen schöpfen ihre Mittel aus, dem unseligen Treiben ein Ende zu bereiten.
Unnötiges Verschleudern des einzigen Realwertes in der Bilanz der Zentralbanken
Am Beispiel der Schweizerischen Nationalbank ist ersichtlich, was die Zentralbanken tun. Buchstäblich verludern diese Institute unser Tafelsilber. Es gibt kein einziges Argument, dies zu tun. Abschöpfen von Liquidität? Nie und nimmer ! Die faulste Ausrede überhaupt.

Besonders heute in der gegenwärtigen weltweiten Krise. Es ist ein äusserst einfaches Unterfangen, den Einfluss auf die Geldmenge zu korrigieren; die Zentralbank kauft Devisen, vergrössert die Währungsreserven und stützt dabei ausländische Währungen.

Sie stellt auch billige Liquidität mittels Swaps und Repo-Transaktionen zur Verfügung. Dem Volk wird nicht Sand sondern Steine in die Augen gestreut. 

Kreative Buchhaltung auch bei den Zentralbanken (SNB) - die Bevölkerung wird an der Nase herum geführt
In der Vergangenheit hat das Volksvermögen der Schweizer riesige Opportunitätsverluste erlitten. Da sich Goldverkäufe einer Zentralbank nicht in den Depotauszügen des Volkes bemerkbar machen, fällt es diesem schwer, das Ausmass solcher nicht notwendigen Transaktionen zu bewerten. Unterstützt werden ausserdem ganz einfach die Buchungsregeln abgeändert. [Die Bewertung zu Einstandspreisen wird zwecks Kaschierung ganz einfach gegen die Marktpreisbewertung ausgetauscht]
Das entstandene potentielle Papier wird zudem in die Irre führend als "Gold"Fonds bezeichnet. Der Begriff Papierfonds wäre hier eher angezeigt. 

Goldverkauf unnötig, ja unvorsichtig, kurzsichtig
Es ist nicht notwendig, das Gold zu verkaufen. Liquidität kann wenn notwendig anderweitig abgeschöpft werden. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass politischer Druck ausgeübt worden ist und immer noch ausgeübt wird. Realwerte gegen Papier.

Verkauf von Gold letztlich Schöpfung von Papier - das Volksvermögen wird verschleudert
1) Verkauf von Gold, Abschöpfen von Liquidität = Aeuffnunge der Währungsreserven beispielsweise in USD. 2) Kauf von Devisen und somit Schaffung von Liquidät.
3) Abschöpfen von Liquidität und Schaffung von Liquidiät können in diesen Buchungssätzen gestrichen werden; sie sind überflüssig. 

Verkauf von Gold tangiert heimische Liquität nicht
Ergo Verkauf von Gold gegen Devisen bedeutet, dass die heimische Liquidität nicht tangiert wird. Einziger Effekt, die Goldvorräte und somit die einzigen Realwerte in der Bilanz der SNB, verschwinden aus dem Volksvermögen.
Es ist UNWICHTIG welchen Wert ein Kilo Gold und auch andere Metalle sowie Realgüter wie etwa Produktionsanlagen und Vorräte aber auch privat genutzte Häuser haben. Solange Sie vollständig finanziert sind, unterliegen sie niemals dem unseligen Tun der Zentralbanken beeinflusst durch die Mehrheit von Politikern. Das ignorant behaltene Volk - die Mehrheit der Politiker eingeschlossen - versteht es nicht, wird nicht gefragt; es duldet. 

Lehrsatz über die Werte
EIN Kilo Gold bleibt IMMER EIN Kilo Gold, EIN Haus bleibt IMMER ein Haus, Produktionsmittel bleiben immer Produktionsmittel. Gut ausgebildete heimische Mitarbeiter bleiben immer gut ausgebildete heimische Mitarbeiter. Heimische hervorragende Lehrköper und Ausbildungsstätten behalten ihren Wert sofern sie nicht provinzialisiert werden.

Handelsströme in Geld bewertet sind auf Dauer nicht aussagekräftig. Sie gelten nur im Bereich des selben Jahres, ja desselben Quartales oder gar desselben Tages. Letztlich tauschen wir Arbeit gegen Realgüter und Nahrungsmittel. Das Geld ist lediglich Transportmittel, es spielt keine Rolle wie gross es angeschrieben ist. Von Zeit zu Zeit streichen wir ganz einfach ein paar Nullen.

Vergleichbar mit den Vorjahren sind die Handelsströme nicht. Auch Indexierungen können NICHT hierüber wegtäuschen. Es sind nur nette Zahlen. Allfällige Deflation findet anderweitig statt. 

1) dem volkswirtschaftlich nicht notwendigen Goldverkauf gebieten wir mit den dazu erforderlichen Mitteln Einhalt.

2) das Geld ist nicht Wertaufbewahrungsmittel, es dient lediglich dem kurzfristigen Werttransport

3) der Qualitätssicherung heimischer Lehrkörper sowie heimischen Skills und Know-Hows schenken wir vermehrt grosse Beachtung. Europäer, sind letztlich Franzosen, Deutsche, Engländer und andere Nationalitäten werden nach Hause zurückkehren wenn man sie ruft; sie lassen uns zurück. Die Möglichkeit der Autarkie (Verlassen auf sich selber) gibt Macht, einen sichereren Auftritt gegenüber anderen; unser Land wird ernst genommen.

4) Politiker, welche dies nicht erkennen oder nicht erkennen wollen, wechseln wir aus.

copyright Thomas Ramseyer

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Impact of the Crisis ? Five children found shot dead ! Father kills himself ! Naive Investigators pondering about motivation action ! Collective suicide

In der Kleinstadt Graham im US-Bundesstaat Washington sind fünf Kinder aus einer Familie tot aufgefunden worden. Die Polizei fand die Leichen der vier Mädchen und ihres Bruders in ihrem Wohncontainer, wenige Stunden, nachdem bereits ihr Vater tot aufgefunden worden waren. Die Kinder im Alter zwischen sieben und 16 Jahren wurden erschossen. Die Ermittler vermuten, dass der 35-jährige Vater seine Kinder umbrachte, bevor er seinem eigenen Leben ein Ende setzte. Das Motiv der Tat ist noch unklar, die Ermittlungen dauern an.

In Washington state's small town Graham investigators report finding familiy shot dead. Police found the corpses of four girls and their brother in a Container serving as the family's accommodation only some hours after the father's dead body has been found. The children aged seven to sixteen years had been shot. Investigators reckon that the 35-year old father has killed his children BEFORE he put an end to his own miserabel life. The motive is not yet known with the police going on in poking the case.
[In case of diverging content the german text only is valid]

Author Thomas Ramseyer
5. April 2009

Some questions raised - everybody knows the answers
Since when does the family live in a container? Since when the father is jobless? When did the family loose their house and most of their belongings?

Which Bank or Insitution got hold of the house the latter to be executed? When did the mother leave the family? Did the children still go to school? When hat the father to sell his family car? When did the family do their last real shopping? Were they starving by lack of nutrition?

Why was the father fought off by the town's authority backed by only flimsy reasons? Why did the send him to the desert? Has the family a immigrant background? Where did they come from? How many homeless, jobless, diprived from sanitarian infrastructure, lacking social life, starving poor human beings does this town count?

Why the investigators reckon that the father has shot himself only upon completion of his children's extinction? Do investigators also reckon that the doorhandle has to be pressed down before opening its door? Why those investigators are still on duty? How about the number of criminal incidents solved by Graham Police?

Smal Town Graham: how is the treatment and support of the poor? Does this town take responsibility for all its citizens and infrastructure? How citizens are treated on average? How do the citizens vote? Is the majority republican?

US-State Washington: what does this state undertake as to support its towns, citizens and its rural regions? Does this state take responsibility?

United States of America: what are the actions taken by the democratic - if ever it is democratic - administration to support their people? Why the supportively created money flows only into financial instutions? Why is the people - they are the savers and investors as well as the politicians' and administrators' of all levels employers - being totally ignored by the governments while the parliament has flow the money right to scruffy plants and ramshackle financial institutions? Does their buying back acitivity at cheap levels show the depriviation of the public?

Why the state wants to extend and renovate the infrastructure as well as reorganizing security forces while massive extention? Why does the people always send the wrong ones to govern? Why do politicians only sing fancy tunes for their pepole; no tangibles but only INtangibles, such as " "we Americans are the "hardest" working people on the world (sic!)", we Americans are going to do it "once" more ! Is once more the last time ? Why does the US-Administration think that the rest of the world would be lost without North America ?Why do people al the time witness administrations' arrogance of such magnitude? Why the US-president's mimicry of the russian? Is this entertainment only? Why the Bundeskanzler Merkl has herself invited to the White House by the First Lady only instead of awaiting official initation of the German Republic ?

Why do all political leaders laugh on all occasions despite their knowing about the gravity of the political, economical as well as the military world's situation? Why does Switzerland's president, finance minister Merz NOT laugh nor smile when talking politics and economics?

Merz does not laugh; is he the only one to realize the desperate situation the north hemisphere countries are facing?

The answers just are evident !!
Anybody can answer all by themselves . . . . . . .

Whole world's souvereing, taxpayers thus employers has hired the wrong people which do not realize the problems to be solved; there is no remedy. WEF, G20 and all the frantic travelling as well as the soothing demagogic speeches pregnant with promises, which are not yet ratified by the parliaments due to political or particular interest prove helpless politicens' inability.

copyright Thomas Ramseyer

Saturday, April 4, 2009

WEF Davos: non-event, G20 summit: non event - US-President Barack Obama gets cheered while talking of a world without nuclear weapons !!! this man for sure has a dream . . .

Author Thomas Ramseyer
Broad Smiles are not very helpful to solve the actual crisis
Neither do counts about unrealistic dreams. The measures taken are just the ones we have always witnessed; liquidity to save the wealthy and deprive the people of their belongings. Wide mouths do not fit the actual situation the american debt policy has caused once again and will cause as many times as possible in the future.

World War II considered the right remedy to solve joblessness
People shall be aware of the fact that some consider world war II been the right remedy to solve the problem of the then faltering economy. In fact it did. Joblessness in the US, Joblessness in Europe, depression all over the world.

Under the noses of all other countries the political system in Germany turned from democracy to dictatorship. Worldwide nobody offended. Everybody lingered at the sideline to watch not even to comment. Neighboring countries were delighted by having Germany buy all sort of military goods abroad. Certain countries made profit out of Nazi-Deutschland's evil activity.

Whole World as spectator of evil development
Then German Wehrmacht blitzed the bordering countries, everybody let them do. Poland once again was standing in the rain. Great Britain broke its mutual assistance pact just to make sure the flame to spread. They let them destroy soil, seed and food while on the retreat.

Destruction decided in hidden chambers
They already decided to destroy them for good even taking in account collateral damage. Old age people, youngsters, women and children, infrastructure, churches, libraries and others were heavily bombed by cold blooded gamers. Only technically world leading weaponry development plants were spared because their later transfer to the US and the UDSSR to the latters benefit.

Civil economy exchanged for war driven economy
The war driven economy was to replace by a civil driven economy. The money invested through the Marshall Plan - European recovery plan - by United States wealth was paid back x-fold to the investors. I.e. Buy VW and whatsoever other shs at almost zero, have the German people rebuild their economy, create purchase power by the use of the hardest working Germans and skim that milk.
It is evident: nobody seems to find the solution to get the economy brought down by US-policy going again

WEF at Davos in Switzerland:
desperate toppers held lengthy palavers only to prove their unability to solve.

G20 at London in Great Britain:
the same picture; no solution found. A lot of palaver and a lot of promises postponing what matters.

Helpless effort to put economy back on track
For the time being the old means of pumping in liquidity to pimp the economy is being applied. The US force the other countries to undertake the same easing of liquidity for the fronted reason of their currencies not getting too strong. They even buy outright the US-papery money thus preparing the soil for another all countries' ripping off by the US. [As done before the US will "assist" the central banks abroad in neutralizing their domestic liquidity - do not forget, remember; created by domestic central bank action - by raising domestic funds to be converted into USD through the mean of short-term bonds]

Again; start war to create potential of reconstruction ?
Another remedy to solve the problems of the worldwide economies used to be setting war off. The soil thereof is being prepared right now. US vs (Israel, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Irak, Iran, Pakistan, India, Ceylon, North Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Afghanistan) Russia (Chechnia, Georgia, Poland, Csech Republic) and China (Tibet, Formosa, North Korea) Africa seems to be forgotten, it simply is ignored. There they let Lybia's Ghadaffi do the work. Europe - even the Swiss -, China and others but for the US vs (misled somali fishermen, sudanese riders watched from the sideline while killing darfur people for oil) as well as watching the Congos killed by some rebels forgotten to disarm. (Purpose?)

Northern hemisphere countries arrogantly ignore the southerners - for what purpose?
Why does the north ignore the south in all discussions? Why is the south not part of the summits? Why is the north as arrogant as its countries are proving? Why certain countries are not treated equal but inferior? Why is the northern press reporting only the negatives about the south? Why does the north still publish Keystone's pictures of the very past as if they were of present times? Why is the subharan africa used as a bloody-minded continent?

Easy answer
The answer is easy: we try to keep them ignorant simply for the reason of our desperatly being in need of their resources such as oil, metal and other precious. (still colonialism but very sophisticated) This being done by preventing them from studies - no access to northern universities, no immigration for the purpose of work, no internship allowed, no students' exchange allowed, exclude them from everything to state some of the reasons.

Collateral damage deliberately provoked
Maybe we are preparing to take in account another collateral damage. The latter emerges if we, the northerners, do not assist the subsharan african countries have their own domestic economies develope. There will be problems such as are all over the continent; i.e. Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Kenya and others. Maybe the reason behind our ignoring certain regions is our will to exchange evil and decay against strategic resources.

1) Because of the heavily indebted American population the world wide demand despite overshooting liquidity never will pick up again. (Liquidity is but assisting the ones which commited the faults by having them buy back their debt at lowest levels)

2) America having been the most aggressive importer of durables and strategics so far cannot afford the same behaviour as before. Thus the US economy bobbing up and down for quite some time will prevent all other countries from picking up.

3) The capital investments - renewal and growth of capacities - will not be accomplished without private sector's demand. Liquidity will lack the future being sombre. Bankers are frightened thus parking their money with the ramshakle governments taking advantage of an at least 2 percent interest rate spread.

By applying the overdue remedies of liquidity pump as well as papery explosives the deadbeat economies will never recover. Riots will take place all over the globe the population being keen on survival. Governments will be exchanged forcedly this democratically or by the iron. Armies and police are overrun by numerous people.

1) Assist "poor" countries have their domestic economy develope! [Remember: a lot of them are not wealthy, they have nothing. Having nothing also means having no debt thus they are rich because of being prepared to take off] Do not shock the people by inventing huge plants! There must be small steps to gradually grow the economy. Let people participate!

2) Think a bit farther then to the end of the tip of your noses! [The impact on the global heating and the environment is much higher if wrecking bonuses - instead of used to wreck cars in fact still being roadworthy - are granted to car importers abroad their government proving them to wreck a real ancient dirt providing chinese lorry or an european 60s' car]

3) Assist those countries have blast furnaces build as well as building a recycling iron and steel business.

4) Assist those countries have their people educate on the job thus haveing them get able to run the business on their own.

5) Always find the root, the real reason of things happening! Do not just fight the symptoms. I.e. Horn of Africa.

Final Remarks
Due to demographic's development it is inevitable to assist subsaharan african countries in developping their domestic economies. Thereof a powerful economic force will emerge thus stepping in and having things go on. Given the actual and future pyramid of age due to fertility and mortality the southerners will step in to overtake our infrastrucure while securing our sunset years.

copyright Thomas Ramseyer