- @ Paul Ofuafo: 20 Million Youths getting 10'000 Naira each on a monthly basis sums up to USD 12'816'000'000 (12.81 Billion) in one single year. Compared to a total of Nigerian exports of roughly USD 93 Billion asking for this is just ridiculous. It simply is STUNNING
Also there are far more unemployed youths all over Nigeria. Imagine if those would ask for the same as STUNY is suggesting to ask. Imagine and do the calculation.
Suggesting to make sure that there will be no elections in 2015 means manipulate and instrumentalize the youth for "somebody's" hidden goals. Riots at this stage means BLOODSHED.
What SUNY must do - and this is the only way in a democracy - they MUST try to get some of those Unemployed Youths to get seated in the SENAT.
As far as I understand is the age of the unemployed youths between 18 years and 32 years. How about the idea NOT waiting for the government to solve their problem. Why not learn how to farm thus growing your own food.
Why not learn how to build roads without using machines? (The Chinese did this when those machines did not even exist, the Germans did this in the 1930's. Those roads are still existing.)
Why not ask Aliko Dangote to set up groups of road constructors - supervised by people knowing their profession - building roads on the basis of concrete instead of tar (bitumen). Everything is available in Nigeria; home produced NOT to be imported. Workforce also is available. Start by summonding the 20 Million.
Strolling up and down the roads, kicking off riots and start bloodshed, sitting around in beerparlors does NOT solve the problem of unemployment.
Also get in contact with Nidoe Switzerland, which want to set up vocational training in Nigeria.
Diaspora Vocational Training Initiative (DVTI) � 2014, Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Switzerland (NIDOSwiss) - Thomas Ramseyer NIDOE Switzerland achieved to be supported by the Swiss Government.
- Thomas Ramseyer Do something which is strengthening Nigeria. Do something for your country. Do something for yourselves. DO NOT support the ongoing DESTEBILIZATION of the country. What you are aiming at by instrumentalizing Nigerian Youths for using them to stop 2015 elections IS destruction.
This statement provoked my answer
Paul Ofuafo https://www.facebook.com/.../Save-the.../1486537361561397... The Unemployed Nigerian Youths is a cause that is structured and driven at raising an arsenal of 20 Million Unemployed Youths at least 500,000 from each state to demand for a stipend of 10,000 Naira monthly from Federal Government till he/she gets a job or else there will be no 2015 general elections. So Tell your friends, family, neighbors, colleagues and even those in the villages from 18 years of age to 40 years as long as they have SSCE/NECO being the minimum requirement. We are already building a website that will accommodate 20 million youths data across the nation that will benefit from this cause.
Making this dream realizable must take you and i as there are no special shaholderrs when it comes to the fight for our rights to survive.Enough is enough. We must invite as many people as possible to like and share this page and stay connected as we all drive this cause cause together. You must realize that this is our right as labour force of this Nation and not an offer.If it means for this govt to stop other activities to make this happen,then we shall make it happen.There is already a structured strategy on ground to ensure we `get our desired results without having to leave our States of residence
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Friday, April 18, 2014
Answer to STUNY (SAVE THE UNEMPLOYED NIGERIAN YOUTHS) asking youth for the wrong action .. riots will not save Nigeria
posted by
thomas ramseyer