Population: 7,707,042
Source: CIA The World Factbook
Israel's age structure does not stem from Immigration. It stems from a clear cut population growth policy of the conservative part of Israel's population which they started some 45 to 40 years ago. By now the conservatives have gained massive weight in the Knesset. This example shows what can be done by a country to get a healthy supportive age structure. This wise policy is future oriented not only driven by profit.

Population: 7,707,042
Source: CIA The World Factbook
Israel's age structure does not stem from Immigration. It stems from a clear cut population growth policy of the conservative part of Israel's population which they started some 45 to 40 years ago. By now the conservatives have gained massive weight in the Knesset. This example shows what can be done by a country to get a healthy supportive age structure. This wise policy is future oriented not only driven by profit.